Committee Members of Business Economics Students’ Association (BIZCON) – 2017

Committee Members of Business Economics Students’ Association (BIZCON) – 2017

Position Name
Lecturer In-charge Mr. Dilan Rajapakshe
Senior Treasurer Mr. Ananda Rathnayake
President Mr. H.P.M.S. Mihiranga
Secretary Ms. M.D.S.P. Jayasenghe
Vice President (3rd Year) Mr. R.M.T.D. Bandara
Vice President (2nd Year) Mr. H.A.C. Prasad
Assistant Secretary Ms. D.K.G.A. Wanigasekara
Junior Treasurer Mr. I.W.L.T. Munasinghe
Committee Members
4th Year                                       : Mr. D.C.W.W. Dissanayake
Ms. S.G.U.S. Chandrarathne
3rd Year                                       : Ms. K.A.D. Maduwanthi
Ms. D.H.G.O. Ranasinghe
Ms. R.G.T.A. Kulasooriya
Ms. G.D.I. Wickramage
Ms. H.M.B.Y.S. Bandara
Mr. B.T.Y. Kaluandura
Mr. K.L.A.Y.I. Pushpakumara
Mr. W.D.M.P.A. Waidyarathne
Mr. S.N. Wedisinghe
2nd Year                                      : Mr. A.G.G.H.L. Thilakarathne
Ms. J.M.A.N. Jayewardana