This training programme was introduced in the year 2011 to provide a foundation of quantitative methods by examining the fundamental statistical theory that drives common statistical procedures. This programme provides participants with an introduction to the management and analysis of quantitative data using an appropriate software package. The programme explores the nature of quantitative data, the relationship between quantitative analysis and theory building, and some of the major topic areas of statistical analysis. Knowledge of these allows for a more thorough understanding of others’ research, especially as reported in journals and government publications. In addition, these techniques are used in a number of research settings, non-profit organizations, for- profit research institutes, and local, state and national governmental agencies. Current revision of the programme introduced two levels where level one does not require the candidates with prior use of statistical software applications. Level one is focused on general-purpose statistical data analysis while level two focuses more advanced applications in multivariate analysis. Therefore, the level two of the programme expects the candidates either to complete level one of this programme or to participate with equal prior experience with use of statistical software applications.
This training programme aims to provide participants with an extensive knowledge and necessary skills for carrying out statistical operations using commonly available cost effective software. The programme also intends to build awareness of research strategies, methodological and technological limitations of statistical techniques and applications. It gives participants the skills and perspective to use the most appropriate software for the purposes of scientific and business research, teaches how to input and organize data to make it more convenient for specific research purposes.
This programme also provides participants with the understanding of both theory and applications of appropriate statistical techniques and interpretation of data for decision-making; and teaches participants how to represent research results in an appropriate manner and present the information in a user-friendly format.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Analytical/Statistical Skills
- Ability of performing the analysis of a research within the whole research logic, choosing appropriate statistical methods for the specific research frameworks and hypotheses.
- Know the nature and logic of composition and interpretation for underlying statistical criteria and procedures.
- Awareness of the relationship between the obtained statistical results and the processes going on into the real life.
Computer skills
- Selection of appropriate software depending on the nature of the analysis.
- Prepare datasheets, generate necessary outputs and arrange then as appropriate for report writing.
- Use the related software (Word, Excel, Power Point) as additional tools facilitating presentation of outputs.
Presentation Skills
- Ability to prepare the report on statistical data analysis in the appropriate formats (academic report, business report, and scientific article).
- Ability to explain the logic of selecting and applying the specific procedures for the specific research tasks.
- Ability to choose presentation methods based on specific needs of the target audience.
Content Outline
CBDA Level 1: General-purpose Statistical Analysis
- Introduction to Statistical Software
- Descriptive Analysis of Data
- Fundamentals Inferential Statistics
- Comparison of Means
- Testing Associations between Variables
- Modelling Relationships between Variables
CBDA Level 2: Multivariate Statistical Analysis
- Introduction to Multivariate Analysis
- Analysis of Multivariate Responses
- Modelling Structural Relationships between Theoretical Constructs
- Covariance Based SEM (CB-SEM)
- Estimating CB-SEM using AMOS
- Partial Least Square SEM
Target Audience
This programme is suitable for an audience related to any of the following professions;
- In-service executives and professionals who wish to enhance their effective decision making
ability. - Employees of government and private research institutes who seek to develop their career.
- Employees work in research divisions of organizations such as financial institutes, stock broking firms, insurance companies etc.
- Postgraduate students who intend to improve their knowledge on statistics and data
analysis techniques. - University and other academic staff members who wish to enhance their knowledge and
skills in quantitative data analysis.
Admission Options
Candidates can select one of the following three options for the admission to the programme.
Option 1: Admission to the full programme (CBDA Level 1 and Level 2)
Option 2: Admission to CBDA Level 1 only.
Option 3: Admission to CBDA Level 2 only.
For option 1 or 2: a candidate should satisfy one of the following requirements.
- A bachelor’s degree from a recognized university.
- Professional/Academic diploma/certificate accepted by the university senate with at least two years of working experience.
To apply only for option 3 of this programme if he/she satisfies one of the following requirements.
- Successful completion of CBDA Level 1 (or the CBDA programme conducted during year 2011-2016).
- A bachelor’s degree from a recognized university with a justification of the coverage of an equal content to CBDA Level 1.
Professional/Academic diploma/certificate accepted by the university senate with at least
two years of working experience with a justification of the coverage of an equal content to CBDA Level 1.
Programme Structure & Fees
The course shall provide:
– 27 hours (5 weeks) of lectures and computer practical sessions in CBDA Level 1
– 15 hours (5 weeks) of lectures and computer practical sessions in CBDA Level 2
– Reading material and aids
– Complementary advisory and troubleshooting support services through electronic media.
Programme Fee
Programme fees varies depending on the admission option selected by the candidate as follows:
- For option 1 (CBDA Level 1 and Level 2)
- Course fee of Rs. 35,000/-
- Application Processing Fee of Rs. 1000/-
- Registration fee of Rs. 1000/-
- For option 2 (CBDA Level 1 only)
- Course fee of Rs. 30,000/-
- Application Processing Fee of Rs. 1000/-
- Registration fee of Rs. 1000/-
- For option 3 (CBDA Level 2 only)
- Course fee of Rs. 10,000/-
- Application Processing Fee of Rs. 1000/-
- Registration fee of Rs. 1000/-
Assessment Methods
During the period of study in each level, the participants should complete an assignment given by
the department. Thirty percent of the final marks will be accounted from the supervision of this
assignment. At the end of the practical sessions of each level, participants have to sit for 3-hour
practical examination that will account for 70 percent of the final marks. At the end of the course,
participants are awarded a certificate of successful completion of each level, provided they have
obtained at least40 percent as the total marks. Any participant who will not be able to sit for the
final practical exam due to a valid reason accepted by the department, will not awarded the
certificate and they will be allowed to sit as repeat participants with a following batch in order to be
eligible for the award of certificate. Participants should complete continuous assessments at the first
time and they will not be allowed to have a second chance.
Apply in here: CBDA Application Form
Application Instruction: CBDA Application Instruction
Computer Based Data Analysis Training Programme
Department of Decision Sciences
University of Sri Jayewardenepura,
Gangodawila, Nugegoda.
Tel: 071 449 7670
Email: cbda@sjp.ac.lk