Editors’ Note

Editors’ Note

Editors-in-Chief for Vidyodaya Journal of Management (VJM), Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, are delighted to issue the Volume 6, Issue 1 of the Journal. This issue of VJM disseminates new knowledge through selected six scholarly papers that comprehensively investigate current and critical real-world scenarios in both local and Asian contexts.

First paper is for investigating the factors influence on unethical behaviour of the salespersons with the participation of the 200 individual salespersons from ten life insurance companies and found that sales target, supervisory role and rewarding system influence the unethical behaviours of them.

The second paper offers insight into Sri Lanka’s institutional (state and organizational level) and non-institutional (socio-cultural) context in terms of available opportunities and constraints for achieving balance in work and non-work roles.

Thirdly, the impact of problems associated with supply chain management practices of coconut wholesalers on their business performance is examined with special reference to Kurunegala district, Sri Lanka. With the use of discriminant analysis, the study discloses that human resource management, technology, facilities, supplier relationship management, customer relationship management, regulatory factors, geographic proximity and logistics and transportation discriminate the business performance of the coconut wholesalers.

The fourth paper is focused on key factors in selecting Maritime Education in Sri Lanka in the perception of seafarers’ professions. It discovers that professional identity and perception; social impact; the family concerns; and gender issues as influencing the choice of maritime education in Sri Lanka.

The impact of trade liberalization in South Asian countries on the economies of South Asia, with emphasis on trade and welfare impacts of unilateral trade liberalization and South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) is the focus of the fifth paper. The findings revealed that, amongst the two trade policy options considered, unilateral trade liberalization ensures the highest welfare to all South Asian members in compared to SAFTA. Furthermore, the results indicate that overall household income will increase in all South Asian countries under both trade policy options considered though the gains are greater under the unilateral trade liberalization.

Sixth paper is to perform a comprehensive study on literature related to online customer satisfaction and to analyse the factors identified by previous scholars under different criteria. Fifty-one factors are explored as influencers of online customer satisfaction.

We extend our sincere gratitude to all the authors for their valuable contribution through research articles and for patience in reviewing process; to reviewers for their constructive comments that bring the papers into a publishable level; and to language editors for their service rendered for the Journal.

  • Prof. P. G. S. Amila Jayarathne and Dr. (Mrs) Sandamali Galdolage
    University of Sri Jayewardenepura

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