Department of Entrepreneurship opens avenues for knowledge Exchanging with Chinese Universities
Dr. Huang Qiubo, Deputy Dean, Institute of Modern Service Institution Zhejiang Shuren University arrived at the Department of Entrepreneurship, University of Sri Jayewardenepura on 28th July 2016 on a three months official appointment to the Department of Entrepreneurship as an honorary adjunct faculty member to engage in academic activities in the fields entrepreneurship, innovation and research methods.
Dr. Qiubo, was warmly welcomed by Dr. Anura Kumara- Dean of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce and Mr. R.N Weerasinghe- Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship. Senior staff members of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, Mr. M.V.V.S Udayanga, Dr. P.J Kumarasinghe, Dr. P.D Nimal, Prof. D.S.R Samarasinghe and lecturers of the Department of Entrepreneurship were also participated at this event held at the Department of Entrepreneurship on the same day.
Dr. Huang Qiubo is a PhD holder in the area of Business Management at School of Business Administration, Zhejiang Gongshang University. He will engage in lectures on Global Business Management, Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship, Managing Creativity and Innovation for the academic programs of B.Sc. Entrepreneurship (special) and Masters of Entrepreneurship, Masters of Business Administration as well as several other programs conducted by the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce. Further, he will carry out research works with Prof. D.S.R Samarasinghe of Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce. He will also share his knowledge and the experience with the academic staff and the students of the faculty initiating fruitful collaborations with different universities and institutions in China.
We are excited to have Dr. Qiubo joined with us!