The B.Sc. Human Resource Management (Special) Degree was commenced in 1994 under a separate unit attached to the Department of Public Administration of the Faculty. It gained departmental status in 1999. The Department of Human Resource Management (HRM) is a major line Department of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce and it also plays a service role to all other (twelve) Departments of the Faculty by teaching HRM and Personal and Social Responsibility.
It has been observed that inefficiencies in Sri Lankan organizations are due to the people working in them. As the human resource makes the difference in performance in any organization it is vital to have knowledge of handling this resource. Hence, human resource management as a field has to be developed within the Sri Lankan context and managers need to be knowledgeable in the subject area of HRM. HRM education has become one of the top priority areas of the University. The Department endeavours to supply a pool of HRM graduates of high calibre to the country. Though the Department has a fairly short history, it has already achieved the status of the most highly respected University Department in teaching, researching, publishing and consulting in the area of HRM in Sri Lanka. It aims at maintaining and enhancing this status and also at becoming a highly respected university department in Asia.
Top Story
Alohomora’24 | HR Abhiman
Alohomora’24 | HR Abhiman, the combined indoor and outdoor program for welcoming the young blood to the department, was conducted in a glittering way by the Students’ Association of the Department of Human Resource Management (HRM Family) on the 16th of March 2024.The indoor phase of this event was held at the Old Board Room […]
Strategic Direction
“Prosper lives through learning”
Envision Future
The envisioned future of the Department is to become the most recognized academic Department of HRM in Asia in 2020.
Core Purpose
“To Become the Farsighted Leader of the HRM Education Field”
Farsighted leader of the HRM field, the Department of Human Resource Management is the most prominent academic department in the university system in Sri Lanka. The vision of the Department inspires the core purpose to: “Become the farsighted leader of the HRM educational field”. We are the pioneer in introducing a new curriculum for HRM to the education system and new teaching and learning strategies of HRM educational field and novel scholarly works in the HRM field and of creating competent graduates with multi skills for the local and global market.
Core Values
The core values of the vision are:
- Success through innovation and creativity
- Challenge through multi competencies
- Stakeholders revive by the Sri Lankan customs
- Skills integrity through blending novel theories with practices