Curriculum Development Workshop of the Department of Finance

Curriculum Development Workshop of the Department of Finance

The Department of Finance is currently engaged in the process of developing a new curriculum for the Finance graduates with the intention of aligning the curriculum to the changes occurring in the competitive global and local business environment. The department conducted a full day workshop on 10th May 2019 at the Kithul Kanda Mountain Resort, Meepe with the participation of Dr. (Ms) P A N S Anuradha – Head of the Department and all other academic and non-academic staff members.

The intention of the workshop was to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current curriculum structure and the graduate profile and to plan required changes. Discussions were carried out on the graduate profile, common subjects, finance related subjects and the complementary professional qualifications required by finance graduates. Curricula of local and foreign universities, industry recommendations, comments from alumni members and insights of academic staff members enriched the discussion.