Being the pioneer Department in the field of Business Administration, over the past 50 years, the Department has produced a number of eminent professors, and prominent business leaders, politicians and entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka. Moreover, enumerable executive and managerial level positions in the public and private sector organizations in our country are held by the graduates produced by the Department of Business Administration.

There are more than 7000 business administration graduates who are holding responsible managerial and top leadership positions in the private and public local and international organisations.

Enormous job opportunities are available to our graduates as the expanding modern-day business organisations are now looking for versatile competent graduates with interdisciplinary knowledge, entrepreneurial flavour, productivity and quality consciousness, Leadership and Strategy orientation.

The Department of Business Administration has developed strong links and close ties with major private and public sector professional bodies and organisations. The Degree programme in Business Administration has been highly recognized by local and international corporate entities, professional bodies and foreign governments.

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