External Examiners’ Annual Evaluation– 2021

External Examiners’ Annual Evaluation– 2021

The External Examiners’ Annual Evaluation – 2021 of the B.Sc Estate Management and Valuation (Special) Degree Programme was held on 10th January 2022 via an online platform. Prof Ong Seow Eng, Department of Real Estate, National University of Singapore and Chartered Valuation Surveyor AAM Fathihu (Former Government Chief Valuer) were the foreign and the local external examiners appointed respectively. The evaluation included,

1) Meetings with the Vice-Chancellor-University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Dean – Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University Service Units Heads/Coordinators, Head and Staff of Department of Estate Management and Valuation, Industry Stakeholders and Students

2) Review of relevant documents/ demonstrating session on websites, LMS and other online materials

3) Knowledge sharing session conducted by Prof Ong Seow Eng on the effective and modern teaching, learning and assessment methods in the rapidly evolving education environment.