Strangers 2018

Strangers 2018

With the prime objective of strengthening the tomorrow’s leadership by improving mental and physical fitness, good health and well being, while assisting them to be fully equipped with knowledge, skills as well as attitudes “STRANGERS 2018”, proudly organized by the Department of Marketing Management of University of Sri Jayewardenepura was held on 20th to 22nd July 2018 in cities of Colombo, Udawalawa, Mirissa and Veligama respectively.

The inauguration of the leadership program was held at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura with the participation of Prof. Sampath Amaratunge, Vice Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewrdenepura, Dr. Anura U. Kumara, Dean of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, Dr. K. P. Lalith Chandralal, Head of the Department of Marketing Management and a large number of distinguished guests. Also academic members and undergraduates of the Faculty participated in the event.Strangers-2018-5 Strangers-2018-7 Strangers-2018-8 Strangers-2018-17 Strangers-2018-24 Strangers-2018-27 Strangers-2018-33 Strangers-2018-38 Strangers-2018-39 Strangers-2018-43 Strangers-2018-47 Strangers-2018-51 Strangers-2018-71