The “Strangers” competition has been organized to provide an experience of excitement for the undergraduates whom have never experienced in the Sri Lankan undergraduate community. The Marketing Management Association of the faculty of management studies and commerce of university of Sri Jayewardenepura has undertaken the challenge of organizing such an extra ordinary extravaganza of an event to provide the Sri Lankan university community the opportunity to take part in a competition that will provide an amazing romping experience.

This program comprises a competition that goes within the metro city limits providing different competitive elements to the contestants that finally add up to being a one whole final adventurous journey. Different tasks are designed that are placed along the competition routes, each task focuses to bring out different aspects of skills processed by the contestants.  On the other hand one of our purposes is to grab this opportunity build up a fund for charity purposes which will be used for future CSR activities.


  • Nurture the creativity and innovativeness of undergraduate community.
  • Enhancement of team work under a competitive background.
  • Providing a novel experience on a competition in a national level.
  • Development of leadership skills and personality of the participants.
  • Positioning the J’pura Marketing brand as an initiator that provides novel experiences to the Sri Lankan undergraduate community.

Strangers News

Strangers 2018

With the prime objective of strengthening the tomorrow’s leadership by improving mental and physical fitness, good health and well being, while assisting them to be fully equipped with knowledge, skills […]