Building Construction Workshop

Building Construction Workshop

A Six-day Workshop organized for the Year II undergraduates of B.Sc. Estate Management and Valuation (Special) Degree Programme under the subjects of EMV 2442: Building Construction (Theory), EMV 2442A: Building Construction (Auto CAD), 2442AA: Building Construction (Free Hand Drawing) was successfully held from 16th June 2022 to 28th June 2022 at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura premises. Since the student intake has increased substantially, the students were divided into two Master Groups and each group completed six days of practical sessions separately. The purpose of the Workshop is to enhance the students’ knowledge and experience of theoretical and design aspects of building construction with student-centered activities including field visits, Group activities, and Interactive IT lab sessions. These Sessions were headed by Dr. C D Udawatthe, Senior Lecturer and subject coordinator with the assistance of Three academic staff members from the Department of Estate Management and Valuation.