Prof. M W Wickramarachchi
Emeritus Professor in Accounting M W Wickramarachchi
BA (Hons.) (Econ.) (Vidyo.); MEc (Acct. & Fin. Mgt.) (New England); PhD (Com.) (DBAMU);
DSc (honoris causa) (SJP); DSc (honoris causa) (SU); FPFA; FCMA; FCA
Inducted to Hall of Fame of CA Sri Lanka in 2015;
Inducted to Global Management Accounting Hall of Fame of CMA Australia in 2017
Retired Professor of Accounting; Former Ernst & Young Endowed Prof. in Accounting (Dept. of Accounting) (USJP);
Emeritus Professor (University of Sri Jayewardenepura );
Chartered Accountant
Contact Details
Skype address: wicks2011