Second -Fourth Years -Accounting specialization
The students who are selected for the Department will start specializing in the area of accounting from the second year on wards.
Second Year
Curriculum of the Second Year
This course intends to provide students with the basic understanding of the aggregate economic system: concepts of aggregate demand and supply, national income and product measures, consumption and investment, supply side economics and its applications, the government’s role in an economy, use of fiscal, monetary, and exchange rate policies to guide the economy, employment and inflation. It also encompasses macroeconomic analysis both in a closed and open economy, income-expenditure, IS-LM model and modern approaches.
This course provides an introductory level understanding of a range of major concepts and techniques in Financial Management. is course is offered to the undergraduates reading for all degrees in the FMSC. e content of the course covers an introduction to financial management, analysis and interpretation of financial statements, financial environment, time value of money, risk and return, security valuation, cost of capital, capital budgeting, capital structure, dividend policy and working capital management.
This is an introductory course on basic concepts and theories of marketing management. It familiarizes students with the marketing discipline. The course provides understanding of the nature and scope of marketing which includes marketing philosophies, the theoretical perspective of marketing strategies and analysing marketing opportunities.
This course, which is the first course in Operations Management, introduces the students to key concepts, principles and design techniques that are essential to develop an appreciation of their uses in the field, and their interactions and relationships with parallel management activities in order to cultivate a general understanding of the field as a totality. Major topics include operations strategy and competitiveness, product design and process selection, total quality management, capacity management, layout planning, job design, work measurements, supply chain management, inventory control, business process reengineering and manufacturing and service strategy.
This introductory level course provides basic knowledge and skills in relation to Management Accounting. It will enable students to understand salient principles, concepts and practices in Management Accounting as well as to develop requisite skills. e areas covered are: overview of Management Accounting; cost concepts, classifications and estimation; cost assignment; costing methods; Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Analysis; short-term decision making; capital investment decisions; budgeting; and standard costing.
This course unit is designed with the intention of upgrading the communication skills of the students with a specific focus on academic writing. It focuses on improving reading, writing, listening and speaking skills of accounting students required for both professional and academic purposes. An interactive approach is adopted in the delivery of the course.
This course enables students to understand advanced theoretical concepts and techniques of financial accounting and reporting relating to corporate entities including groups of companies. The following study areas are covered: financial reporting environment; relationship between conceptual and regulatory frameworks of financial reporting; regulatory framework for corporate financial reporting in Sri Lanka; and preparation and presentation of financial statements of companies inclusive of groups of companies under complex group structures based on applicable LKAS and SLFRS.
This course familiarizes the students with IT based accounting information systems and their role in organizations, particularly in their use in strategic and operational decision-making as a supporting tool for managers. The areas covered are: role and purpose of Accounting Information Systems (AIS); professionalism, ethics and internal controls; transaction processing in the AIS; information technology (IT) and systems modeling techniques-flow charting, data flow programming and IT; business processes programming and IT; business processes (sales/collection, acquisitions/ payments etc.); computer crimes and IT security; decision making models and knowledge management, e-business and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems; and auditing and evaluating the AIS.
This specialized course provides a comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge in the application of a selected accounting software (Sage 50) in business data processing with a view to produce financial statements for both internal and external users of accounting information and to generate reports that will be of value for managers in the decision making process and hands on experience of codifying accounts appropriately and entering transactions into the accounting system through various modules namely general ledger, creditors, debtors, inventory, payroll, fixed assets and budgets. Furthermore, the students are provided exposure to job costing using accounting software and to interpret the accounting reports. The integration of all the modules in the accounting system and personalization of accounting systems to suit the information needs of different types of organizations are also covered.
Organizational Behaviuor is a core course in the field of Business Management. It deals with understanding and managing human behaviour at work. It analyses and examines individual, group, and organisational processes. It recognises the fact that human beings are complex: e same person’s behaviour changes in different situations. Two people are not alike and often act differently in the same situation. is complexity limits our ability to make simple predictions of human behaviour. Therefore, a systematic approach is required to understand 18 Accounting Syllabi Book and manage human behaviour at work. e basis for using the systematic approach to study human behaviour is the belief that behaviour is not random and that we can offer reasonably accurate explanation and prediction. With this background, the contents of the Course address the key issues and the dynamics of individual and group behaviour in organisational context. us, the students who follow the Course will be able to gain systematic knowledge and understanding about human behaviour at work from a broader perspective.