Programe Structure

Semester I

Code Subject No. of hours No. of  Credits
ADCBA 1401 Data Analysis for Accounting 60 4
ADCBA 1402 Advanced Computer Based Accounting 60 4
ADCBA 1403 Accounting Information Systems 60 4
ADCBA 1404 Taxation 60 4


Semester II

Code Subject No. of hours No. of  Credits
ADCBA 2601 Advanced ERP Systems 90 6
ADCBA 2402 Project Management 60 4
ADCBA 2403 Auditing and Assurance 60 4


 Course Descriptions 


The module guides the students on fundamentals data analysis, and is structured in a logical way so as to provide effective training of a typical data analysis process – data input and definition, data modification, data analysis, and data presentation. This module will consolidate and stretch understanding of students of data analysis methods and basic statistics. It introduces data entry and analysis using a computer-based statistical package.


This is a specialized course that provides a comprehensive advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in the application of selected Peachtree accounting software in business data processing with a view to produce financial statements for both internal and external users of accounting information. This course covers advanced areas of creditors, debtors, general ledger, inventory module, and salary and budget analysis.


The course Accounting Information Systems (AIS) provides students with knowledge and skills they need to pursue successful careers in accounting. Accounting systems have changed rapidly due to the changes of technologies & regulatory framework. The prime objective of this course is to acquaint ; students with  a basic knowledge of computer-based information systems and the role of AIS in performing the accounting functions in contemporary business organizations in  order to prepare them  for a successful career in accounting.


This specialized course aims to provide students with a sound understanding of principles of taxation and enable them to apply this theoretical knowledge in practice. The topics covered: Introduction to principles of taxation; liability to income tax; sources of income (employment income, income from property, dividend income, capital gains, interest income, income from any other source, trade business profession and vocation); capital allowances, total statutory income (TSI), assessable income (AI), taxable income, calculation of income tax (of individuals, companies, charitable institutions, clubs, trade associations and co-operative societies); tax concessions, tax credits, calculation of income tax payable; payment of income tax under self-assessment system; appealing procedure, recovery of tax, tax refund; and value added tax.  In addition, this course also covers tax planning and international tax at an introductory level.


This course introduces the students to advanced ERP system software modules with a common central database that support advanced internal business processes for Advanced Finance, Advanced Manufacturing, and CRM enabled data to be used by multiple functions and business processes for precise organizational coordination and control. The course is expected to cover advanced finance, advanced manufacturing, CRM, project and job costing, procurement management, point of sale system, advanced financial and management reporting, business intelligence center.


This course consists of both theory and practice relating to project management in accounting.  The main objective of this course is to provide students a broader understating about project management and their practices in accounting field.  This course examines project management roles and environments, the project life cycle and various techniques of work planning, and control and evaluation to achieve project objectives. The tools currently available to project managers are discussed throughout this course. 


The objective of this course is to provide students a comprehensive understanding of auditing concepts, principles, techniques, and procedures. The major areas of coverage include audit planning, quality control for audit work, internal control, audit evidence, using the work of others, auditor’s involvement in special purpose audit engagements and other assurance services. Further, this course aims to develop students’ understanding of the audit function; familiarize students with the professional, legal, commercial and regulatory constraints within which audits are carried out; and examine techniques used by auditors including risk analysis, evidence collection and evaluation; and audit reporting. In addition, the program introduces the use of computer assisted audit techniques and considers issues related to computer information systems audit.

Total Credits

The Advanced Diploma Program consists of 30 credits.