MSC in Waste Management and Circular Economy Degree Program

The MSc in Waste Management and Circular Economy Degree Program is a two-year, full-time postgraduate degree program offered by the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce (FMSC), University of Sri Jayewardenepura (USJ).

Program Structure

The structure of the WMCE Program is as follows:

Two -year WMCE Study Program.

The lectures will be held only on Thursday and Friday evenings (Online) and Saturdays (Full Day – Physically)

Panel of Lecturers

The program will be conducted by the academic staff of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce (FMSC) at USJ. The services of resource persons from other local state universities and industry will also be obtained on a visiting basis. Additionally, industry leaders and experts will be invited for special occasions, such as guest lectures and residential workshops.

Cancellation of Registration

The standard duration of study for the WMCE degree program is two years. The candidate’s registration will be automatically canceled if he/she fails to complete the degree within two academic years from the time of admission to the program.

In order to secure and maintain professional and ethical standards relating to discipline, students are expected to exercise restraint in their conduct both on and off campus. It is the responsibility of every student to obtain a copy of the Student Handbook and to become familiar with the regulatory procedures and guidelines set forth therein and to adhere to them in conducting studies and research as prescribed by the institution.

Further Information

Detailed information regarding policies, procedures, rules and regulations is described in the handbook provided to registered students.

Contact Details
Coordinator: Snr. Prof. K D Gunewardhana

Tele: +94 112758797
Department of Accounting
Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.

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