Advanced Diploma in Computer Based Accounting (ADCBA)

Application Closing Date :
November 30, 2022
(Date is passed.)
12 Months
Categories :


Academic Programmes



The Advanced Diploma in Computer Based Accounting (ADCBA) is the advanced stage of the Diploma in Computer Based Accounting currently offered by the Department of Accounting. It is a program of one year duration. The program will be conducted over two semesters encompassing 8 course units. Those who have successfully completed the Diploma in Computer Based Accounting are eligible to apply for this program.

During the first semester four course units (60 hours each) and during the second semester, Three more course units (2 courses of 60 hours each and 1 course of 90 hours) are offered. The study sessions will include practical work as well.

In order to be qualified for this diploma, participants are required to obtain at least a ‘pass’ for each of the course units  Students who fulfill these requirements will be awarded ADCBA.



Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. 10250.

Phone: +94 112 801297, +94 112 758246

Master of Professional Accounting Phone: +94 112 803905, +94 112 758273

Diploma / Advanced in Computer Based Accounting Phone: +94 112 803456, +94 112 758774