Acquiring Skills for a Lucrative Career

Acquiring Skills for a Lucrative Career

To explain how savers become investors, and the career opportunities that await in capital market, the Department of Commerce in collaboration with Acuity Knowledge Partners organized a two hour workshop on Acquiring skills for a lucrative career in Investment research and capital markets.  The session was conducted by Mr Nuwan Jayawardana (CFA) the Director leading the Fixed Income and Credit research delivery operations of Acuity Knowledge Partners in Sri Lanka and an incumbent Chair of the University Outreach Committee, of CFA Society, Sri Lanka.

This workshop was held on the 12th of January 2022 via the Zoom Meeting Platform where many important aspects were discussed in length. Including,

  • Introduction to capital markets and career opportunities
  • CFA qualification and scholarships
  • Tips on picking a career path
  • Career opportunities in Investment Research
  • Opportunities and challenges in the path ahead &
  • Simple habits that can make a big difference

The session lasted for two hours and ended at 10.00 am with a participation of over 150 members.

This fruitful session provided the opportunity for all participants to get a comprehensive idea of the career path in the field of investment research and capital markets.