Academic Visit to Zhejiang Shuren University, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China from 03rd of December to  13th of December, 2017

Academic Visit to Zhejiang Shuren University, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China from 03rd of December to 13th of December, 2017

Mr. R.N. Weerasinghe, Head- Department of Entrepreneurship visited the Zhejiang Shuren University, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China  as a result of MoU signed in the year 2016 between the two universities. He was invited by the Zhejiang Shuren University to discuss future collaborations in research, mutual academic transfers between two universities and conducting lectures on environment for China-Sri Lanka business relationships, trade and investment, language and culture, and tourism in Sri Lanka.

Mr. Weerasinghe got the opportunity to engage in fruitful discussions with Professor Ye Shipping (Vice President), Wang Yun (Deputy Director of International Exchanges and Cooperation Office), Lin Xiangen (Party Chief and Professor of School of Biology and Environmental Engineering) Xia Qing (Dean of Institute of Modern Service) Huang Quibo (Vice Dean of Institute of Modern Service) and many other academics of the University. It was agreed to engaged in a collaborative research project on present trends in China-Sri Lanka trade and investment during next six months.

Further, The Zhejiang Shuren University agreed upon supporting in establishing a Chinese Language Center at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

A successful discussion was held with the academics of Tea Culture Department of the University to establish a linkage between the tea research and trade between China and Sri Lanka. The possibility for student transfers were also considered in order to improve the tea industry in both countries by sharing the experiences.

Mr. Weerasinghe conducted several interactive lectures for the students of the Department of Tourism Management and Department of Foreign Language at the Zhejiang Shuren University and created big interest on Sri Lanka among the students.

There was an excellent platform to discuss student transfers between two universities and both parties were agreed to facilitate such transfers further, as those were already started from 2015.  The Zhejiang Shuren University is eagerly waiting for welcoming the forth group of students from University of Sri Jayewardenepura in the April 2018. Further, the Zhejiang Shuren University expects to organize  an experiences sharing conference for the students and the academic staff of the both universities this time.

This visit facilitated to further strengthening the relationship between University of Sri Jayewardenepura and the Zhejiang Shuren University while initiating a collaborative research project between two universities, developing mutual trust in arranging student transfer programs and making fruitful discussion on transferring academic members for the benefit of both universities.